El Metro
que viene.

Metro is

the city we

we want


The present and future
of urban mobility

As the first means of transport with the lowest environmental impact, metro is the most responsible, accessible and sustainable mobility alternative. A promise of value for the generations of today and tomorrow.

A reflection of the natural
evolution of the city

To modernize the metro is to modernize the city it connects us to. Technological innovation and Big Data shape the new, more digital and intelligent 4.0 station model. A space on a par with metros such as New York, Shanghai or Paris.

The true social environment
where we all fit

We democratize access to information and support the business fabric by offering an effective communication channel. Brand investment generates a direct positive impact on citizens.

The most

effective for

a new way of


More digitized environment
from Spain

Less visual saturation with more digital media: 1,900 square meters at your disposal. The first JCDecaux metro in digitization in Europe.

Digital displays such as never seen before

Bigger, sharper and more energy-efficient: the perfect frame to show off your brand’s creativity.

The first 100% data-driven
space in Spain

We incorporate Wi-Fi sensors in all our media to measure close prints in real time.

The new


Enveloping spaces of
a spectacular impact

Nuevos soportes

Icónicos columna

4 columnas de 15m2. Con 4 pantallas por columna, creamos un impacto multilateral y anamórfico

Icónicos columna

4 columnas de 15m2. Con 4 pantallas por columna, creamos un impacto multilateral y anamórfico

Icónicos columna

4 columnas de 15m2. Con 4 pantallas por columna, creamos un impacto multilateral y anamórfico

New media supports

Iconic column

4 columns of 15m2. With 4 screens per column, we create a multi-faceted and anamorphic impact

Iconic vertical and horizontal

12 screens of 20m2 on average of different sizes to create immersive, interactive and synchronized spaces

Iconic curves

2 twin screens in curved format to cover 45m2 of maximum spectacularity

New products








Premium coverage
Created exclusively for a
greater impact on platforms
142 screens

Maximum notoriety
moments of waiting
34 stations

A format of great dimensions
at key stations
43% coverage


Maximum coverage
and frequency
100% digital stations, most of them within the M30
296 screens
Strategic locations with increased traffic and visibility
We activate audiences with programmatic connection
71% coverage
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Iconics Sol

Two new products of 18 digital media: Main lobby with 1 column and 2 large format screens. Immersive space with 3 columns.

  We transformed the first Metro station with +1.3MM into two wrap-around spaces with 83 m2 that ensure maximum notoriety. 

The perfect environment to create brand experiences in a station located in the heart of the city’s commercial, tourist and leisure centre.

Iconics Nuevos Ministerios

2 screens of 45 m2 and maximum spectacularity in curved format. 

Located in a key station: the 4th station in passenger ranking with 995 thousand weekly traffic routes, Nuevos Ministerios is the epicenter of Madrid’s commercial and financial activity. 

Macro Digital

10 large screens distributed throughout the main stations of Metro de Madrid, located at points where maximum audience volumes are reached, and which accumulate +5MM of weekly traffic. Notoriety and high-impact branding. Supports designed to surprise with the greatest visibility at strategic points. 

Icónicos Sol

Dos nuevos productos de 18 soportes digitales: Vestíbulo principal con 1 columna y 2 pantallas de gran formato. Espacio inmersivo con 3 columnas.

Transformamos la primera estación de Metro con +1,3 MM de tráfico semanal en dos espacios envolventes con 83 m2 que aseguran la máxima notoriedad.

El entorno perfecto para crear experiencias de marca en una estación situada en pleno centro comercial, turístico y de ocio de la ciudad.

Icónico Nuevos Ministerios

2 pantallas de 45 m2 y máxima espectacularidad en formato curvo.

Situadas en una estación clave: la 4ª estación en ranking de pasajeros con 995 mil trayectos de tráfico semanal, Nuevos Ministerios es el epicentro de la actividad comercial y financiera de Madrid.

Macro Digital

10 pantallas de gran tamaño distribuidas por las principales estaciones de Metro de Madrid, localizadas en puntos donde se alcanza máximos volúmenes de audiencia, y que acumulan de +5MM de tráfico semanal. Notoriedad y branding de gran impacto. Soportes pensados para sorprender con la mayor visibilidad en puntos estratégicos.